Work with Me

Save Me Sheree!

Reach out for help when it all feels a little bit overwhelming. Close down all of the open tabs of google and have a friendly chat with me. I bring it back to basics and break it down into the things you really need to know, whether your questions be related to sleep, settling or support. I provide consistent, sensible, evidence based, common sense, tried and true information.

My 25 years of experience, working with so many mums, allows me to understand your personal challenges from afar.

Planning for the fourth trimester or feeling unsure and have some questions about your newborn?
This is perfect for you to have a chat about any concerns you might have or follow up support.

$80/45 Minutes OR $100/60 Minutes


  • Follow up emails with a summary of each consultation

Beginning to THRIVE in the Fourth Trimester

Transition from Hospital to Home  Guidance and Support in the First Weeks with a new baby

So you’ve done the childbirth Classes… ready for the big day. You know all of your options, make plans, read so much, all your friends and family tell their stories. Google…you google absolutely everything!
Birth… It’s generally one day of your life and you’ve got it covered. Unfortunately not anywhere near as much thought goes into what happens after the baby arrives. The postnatal period or what’s also known as the fourth trimester.

Let’s start thinking about the days to follow your baby’s arrival. Making a postnatal plan including arranging the support and guidance that you need and knowing what to expect in the first week at home.

Or you might have already had your baby and it’s not quite what you expected.
You might be wishing there was a crash course in all things newborn baby.
The information and support to get you through the first weeks armed with the answers to so many questions. I wasn’t expecting that… the poo, the boobs, the tiredness.

Yes.. you will need that many nappies and maternity pads. Stick with me…

Don’t you wish that all babies arrived with a handbook? We know they don’t unfortunately. Also, they aren’t all the same. There are many variances on normal.
Not much is predictable, but I can help you be more prepared and be there in those early days. I can be your personal, go-to person with the experience and expertise to help you when you may feel uncertain and overwhelmed.

This package was developed as the starting point to ease the transition from hospital to home as a new family.
Making it a little easier by preparing you for some of the unexpected moments.
Answering the big ones…… What!?! Is this normal??? Nobody told me that!!
I Was NOT expecting that !!

We will cover issues surrounding feeding your baby, sleep and settling tips as well as changes for baby and for you as a mum.

Having a baby amidst the Covid-19 outbreak may have impacted your postnatal plans significantly. There is definitely an upside for a lot of new families… You may be able to avoid the fast-paced life. Slow down and make your baby and family a priority. Taking time to cuddle, admire and feed. Resisting the urge to ‘bounce back’ guilt-free. WIN!
Let me be there for you during the early days in the’ very quiet fourth trimester’


  • 3 x ONE HOUR personal  phone/ zoom consults with Sheree
  • Follow up emails with a summary of your consultation
  • ONE WEEK SMS – ‘Save me Sheree’ text and email support

Add on…

  • Extra phone/ zoom  $40/ 30 mins
  • Extra WEEK SMS – ‘Save me Sheree’ text and email support $200

Supported to THRIVE in the Fourth Trimester

Congratulations! You’ve had your gorgeous baby and you’re ready to embark on this exciting new chapter. Those childbirth classes DID NOT prepare you for once the little treasure has arrived.

It’s a steep learning curve. Hold on tight, it’s going to be an adventure.

Unfortunately, Covid-19 has left some things a little uncertain. Leaving the hospital sooner than you planned, having limited visitors and follow up. One thing hasn’t changed is the need for new mums to feel supported and socially connected.

I usually work 1:1 with families when they bring their baby home. Helping them transition from hospital to home. Feeling supported, reassured that they have me available to help with the basics. There for the first feeds, bath, helping them swaddle and settle. Guiding the family through the exciting journey in the first few months as new parents.
Being the go-to for all of their concerns and questions that may arise.

I’ve worked with hundreds of families privately over the last 18 years. Having built a strong client base on word of mouth and referrals including many well-known families. I am booked out months in advance.

There is a silver lining. I have added another way to support new families. I have limited openings available to provide virtual support. From the comfort of your home, you are able to connect with me, providing the same reassurance and consistent care.

They say “ it takes a village.” So much has changed. How can you create your perfect village at the moment?
I am now offering a modern take on ‘the village’ being there remotely, to support in the very special and important time..the fourth trimester.

I want to set you up for the best transition to motherhood. To ease feelings of uncertainty, boost confidence, encourage you to enjoy the rest which will allow you to heal, cherish the time to really fall in love with your baby.

Each week we address the ever-changing challenges and I provide guidance in the areas of

  • Feeding
  • Settling
  • Sleep
  • Changes for baby
  • Changes for mum – physical and emotional
  • Relationship

As well as anything that arises that you would like to cover. Each consultation is tailored to suit your needs.

I’m offering this premium package to support you personally in the fourth trimester.

How can I support you best? I’m here in a way that will best help you through, when so much may be new and possibly uncertain for you.

Not just survive… I want to see you truly THRIVE.

Limited availability 

$1900 save $80


  • Two x 60 min personalised consultations per week
  • Follow up emails with a summary of each consultation
  • Unlimited SMS – ‘Save me Sheree’ text or email support

Add on…
Extra phone/ zoom $40/ 30 mins

Payment plans available
3 payments $660 per fortnight

I was so confused when I got home from the hospital. Everyone was telling me different things and I didn’t know who to listen to. The midwives at the hospital were great but a lot of them were telling me different things.
I booked Sheree for a week of follow up to help me settle Oliver.
Sheree was a breath of fresh air. She was funny, relaxed and calm.
I loved the consultations and looked forward to her calling.
I learnt so much and feel happy that she made me feel “normal”
I’m sure I’ll be calling her again in the future as things change with Oliver.

April S